RAAF wireless operator's log book, 7 Squadron

RAAF wireless operator's log book, 7 Squadron

Code: P16105

£325.00 Approx $407.78, €378.79

Form A.78 (June 1938).  Royal Australian Air Force Observer's Air Gunner's And W/T Operator's Flying Log Book.  Named to LAC (later Warrant Officer) J.M. Eddy (16249).  John Mills Eddy was born on 15th July 1921 in Adelaide, SA and enlisted there in 1941.  The log begins with him at No.1 W.A.G.S., Ballarat on A-30 Martin Baltimore light attack bombers and the Fairey Battle (No.2 Bombing & Gunnery School, Fort Pirie S.A.).  He qualified as a wireless telegraph operator on 5th February 1942 and as an air gunner on 1st March 1942.  At the beginning of March the same year he joined No.7 Squadron RAAF undertaking training flights on A-16 Lockheed Hudson light bomber/reconnaissance aircraft.  Operational flights begin on 2nd May 1942 with sea patrols in the Coral Sea between Australia and Papua New Guinea.  Further Ops throughtout May and most of June include further sea patrols, reconnaissance flights and anti-submarine patrols.  The log ends abruptly on 23rd June 1942 with a total of 278 hours of flight and 26 operational sorties.  The log has various stamps and has been signed off by various commanding officers.  Requires more research.  Stock code P16105.